Privacy Policy
At SES, we respect the privacy of our customers and website visitors. We use the information you give us to serve your needs. We do understand that this information belongs to you and that we must treat it accordingly. You can browse our pages without telling us who you are or revealing any personal information. If you choose to do so via our website, refer to this statement for an understanding of how the information will be used. The following spells out our privacy policy in more detail.
Using the information we gather
The information we collect is used to answer questions or concerns and to provide requested information in a timely manner.
Sharing information gathered
Our website is designed to give you a confidential means of gathering information about us and for doing business with us over the internet.
We do log general statistical information such as the domain name, IP address, and browser type of our site visitors through a site-reporting tool that runs on our server. This information is used internally to show activity and trends of our site usage. The log file information does not contain personally identifiable information.
We may share information about you in the normal business of conducting insurance operations such as providing you with a quote.
We do not share any private information about you with nonaffiliated third parties other than entities that perform business functions integral to the provision or servicing of our insurance programs or when required or permitted by law. We treat our insured information as confidential.